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Tina Stroetmann of Schöne Kleine Welt


How do you create a welcoming home?

In my opinion, it is important to furnish your home with things that you love. Your home should have a vibrant feel and not resemble a catalog flat. I personally prefer the mix of natural materials such as wood, linen, and wool.


How do you welcome your guests when throwing a party?

As a host, I enjoy decorating the table with beautiful ceramics, flowers from the garden, and little treats. I typically start with an aperitif, and lately, I've been enjoying Prosecco-Peach. Its refreshing taste reminds me of summer.



What is your best tip when decorating an entryway?

Ideally, an entryway should not be cluttered or obstruct the view into the apartment. Good lighting, fresh flowers, and a pleasant scent are ideal for creating a welcoming atmosphere.


You use Tillbakablick in your dressing room. Why did you choose this product?

I fell in love with the Tillbakablick mirror at first sight because of its simple, round design that appealed to me immediately. I like things to be understated yet striking.



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