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Soraya Forsberg - Harmonious and homely


How do you create a welcoming home?

I trust my gut feeling. For many years, I have changed and developed our home based on furniture that I come across, and I am not afraid to try things out. Today, that vision has changed somewhat, and I furnish more based on needs and feelings. Creating a safe and homely home can, and must, take time.


I surround myself with things that I really like and that brings me nice memories. It can be anything from a small trinket to a larger piece of furniture that I have brought back from a trip.


In recent years, I have also cleared out things we don't use, which has created a more harmonious feeling, both for the eye and the mind. I like mixing old with new and creating custom-made things, which gives the home a more personal interior design style.


Sometimes a simple thing like rearranging furniture can create a completely new look. For me, it has been a good way in our home to create a change, as I easily get bored and have a need for it. But, of course, not everyone has the same urge to constantly reshuffle their home.


How do you welcome your guests if you have a party?

I rarely have parties, haha, but when we have gatherings at home, it is very fun to make a proper table setting with fun details. We have synchronized speakers that are in several rooms (even in the bathroom) that create a nice atmosphere. A welcome drink and snacks on arrival are always nice. It contributes to mingling before dinner.



What is your best tip when decorating a hallway?

The hallway is the first thing you see when you come home and the last thing you see when you leave home. It's a room that is often unfortunately forgotten but is one of the more important ones in my opinion. The hallway is a place that needs to be functional. Especially for us, who are so many. But it should also give an inviting feeling. Small details like artwork/paintings on the walls can contribute to that in a simple way.


In the picture is Skruvad coat stand and the mirror Tillbakablick.


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