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One of the great challenges of our age is that we have to start taking care of our planet. At Essem Design we believe that the best way of caring for our environment is to create products that are designed and made to last. We believe in sustainability throughout the process, from design to delivery and warranty.

Essem Design Sustainablility report


Our first product, Nostalgi, was designed back in the 1930s and has always been made of recycled aluminium. For us, aluminium is the obvious material for hooks and brackets for our hat racks. This metal is one of the few materials that can be reused over and over without any loss of quality. In developing new products, we always use materials that work and have the least possible impact on the environment.


But it is not only the material in the products that matters from an environmental perspective. The way the products are made is also important, and our production facilities also use 100% green electricity and meet the requirements set out in ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. Our premises in Anderstorp use geothermal heating. To save journeys and contribute to our local environment, we use Swedish and local suppliers wherever possible.

As an employer, we are well-placed to influence things, and we run regular training sessions for our staff to promote a climate-smart way of life. Because we are in a small town with limited public transport, the car is a necessary evil. To meet the environmental demands of the future, we drive hybrid vehicles charged with green electricity.


Our products are manufactured with functionality in mind, and sustainability is one of our hallmarks. Many people find that the ravages of time lend our products extra character. If your Nostalgi rack should break for any reason, we offer a 10-year warranty. This covers normal use and production faults. If your rack is older than that, we can also provide spare parts.


We are constantly changing and improving and always working to update our environmental efforts.


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